The human being is an intelligent, energetic system with the ability to maintain or regain health and balance. Traditional Chinese Acupuncture is one of the oldest healing practices in existence. Its philosophy is based on the belief system that illness generally is caused by imbalances or blockage of "Qi," best translated as energy. Qi circulates throughout our bodies via so called Meridians.
Acupuncture can reestablish the harmonious flow of this energy. From western scientific point of view effects of a treatment can be observed as release of opioids and other peptides in the central and peripheral nervous system as well as changes in neuroendocrine function.
Besides the wonderful “endorphin-powered” deep relaxation and revitalizing effect of an acupuncture treatment, its specific use for cancer patients is to help manage common side effects caused by radiation and chemotherapy.
Empirical evidence and specific research findings suggest that it has been effective in: improving hematopoiesis, protecting the renal and hepatic functions, decreasing gastrointestinal side-effects especially vomiting and nausea. I commonly use it as well for dry mouth, for peripheral neuropathy, to increase appetite and to improve sleep. Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in enhancing the immune function and leading to a general improvement of symptoms.
Most cancer patients are likely to be helped by an individualized integrative approach. The combination of the best treatment options the conventional medical system has to offer and the complementary care for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs are most promising. This involves the teaching of relaxation techniques and dietary counceling.Thus ancient rhythms keep pace with modern science and medical achievements. ”The Tao does not exhaust itself in what is greatest, nor is it ever absent from what is least; and therefore it is to be found complete and diffused in all things.” THERE IS HOPE!
Marina Keppler, LAc., MA, Dipl. Ac., Riverseasons, Rochester, Minn.
Ms. Keppler is a recurring presenter for Join the Journey's Strengthening Healing Sessions.
acupuncture in rochester represents a new vision of natural health and integrative medicine .We believe that every person has an innate drive for balance and harmony.